Jumat, Desember 07, 2018

try to routinely write journals

I should begin a routine journaling as a part of changing my lifestyle to stoicism. I dunno how to do this journaling properly, but one should begin one to try to make a habit out of it. I’ll learn the skill by doing it I supposed.

So I just listened to an episode of one awesome podcast, and basically it told me to find greater purpose in life, rather than floating by and based my life on a less meaningful goals such as luxuries and having a cozy-well respected life.

It had been a habit in my life, and perhaps in my parent’s life too, to find life’s “entropy” in comfort and peacefulness. Not that those aren’t a good thing, but its lack of meaning is a surefire to an unfulfilled life, and in the end I assumed will end up in a greater anxiety. Maybe I need to reflect back to what I find most meaningful in my life up until now. To find out which direction should I steer my life in the future. The one kept popping out of my memory, is when I diligently learn about the basic truth of life.. I mean when I philosophize by reading all those popular science books and watching those documentaries or reading through those over-trending philosophy books in my youth; it had somehow made a sense of purpose in my itty bitty tiny of existence. Perhaps akin to a spiritual sensation, experienced by those religious people, I too experienced a sense of enlightenment when learning those...

Now what should I do in the future? Perhaps what I need to do is to combine those sense of enlightenment with the skill I gathered my whole life and produce something from it... some kind of a life time artwork?? On the other hand, I feel like I need to create a healthier environment in order for me to thrive.. I mean I need to prepare my self to live out of this country.. because I won’t have any opportunity to thrive in this environment... hence I need to haul my self in all seriousness to learn my Germany more diligently... That and I need to keep up my drawing and writing skill.. And to always remind myself not to spend too much on the good-feel shopping and eating and all those brain rotting games and procrastination..

It’s gonna be a hard trip for one cry-baby like me, I guess...