Rabu, Februari 22, 2017

not an existentialist! (at least currently)

Sartre said that hell is other people. But I have to disagree. Even tough being in constant compromise with others is exhausting as hell, for me the alternative is much more hellish. That are: taking responsibility for yourself, being decisive and commit to your own action, and not succumbing yourself to procrastination... well in my experience this kind of life principal is much-much more painful. So I have to say I may not an existentialist at all. But I feel the necessity to learn to be one.
In this era of competitiveness and whatnot, I might in the end be totally disappointed at myself. It's funny to find that I even procrastinate to find an effective way to overcome my habit of procrastinating. Eh, should I call it a "meta-procrastination?"
Yeah, I need to finish that one project I've been hold up for more than a week, now. And I need to finish read that Danto's book, so I can maintain my dignity as a sef-proclaimed intellect heheh.. Finaggling to my own pitiful life, I've been trying to find solace in cases such as Douglas Adams' chronic procrastinating habit. But I have to realize, Adams might just lucky to avoid the deathly consequences of this bad habit. He might be a nobody without his luck. But the sad truth is, somebody WILL be a NOBODY should he/she can't find no vaccine for this procrastination virus. Yeah I should have stopped this yammering already...

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